Keep in mind that upgrade kits will not upgrade any tier to a higher tier for instance, an elite tier installer will NOT upgrade a basic factory machine to an elite.

You can upgrade tiers by placing the component in a crafting grid and surrounding it with the necessary resources for the next upgrade, or using an tier installer (basically an upgrade kit). Basic is 3 slots, advanced is 5 slots, elite is 7 slots, and ultimate has not been implemented). There are four tiers: basic (green), advanced (red), elite (cyan), and ultimate (purple), with each tier ordered respectively in increasing order in terms of energy consumption and processing slots (Mekanism does not directly increase processing speed every tier, instead it adds extra processing slots which all process the inputted materials at the same time. Mekanism uses a tier-based system when organizing several of its core features (for instance: Energy Cubes and Factories). This seemingly simple mod has so much to offer to anybody willing to play, with minimal (but necessary grind) and ample rewards for the player's efforts.

By the time anybody has finished a mod pack using Mekanism, if they play a pack without it in the future, the first thought would be "Man, I wish I had Mekanism!". However, there is a somewhat linear progression system that is both easy to follow and increases in complexity as the player becomes more accustomed to the mod, making sure that the player will have an easy time getting into the mod without ever getting bored of it. The mod doesn't have any main goals, and you'll notice this when you see the seemingly random content Mekanism contains (from jetpacks to balloons). Mekanism is an independent tech mod that brings many different machinery types to Minecraft, solving problems nobody knew they had. There are also new features and improvements that may not yet have been documented. Most information is still accurate, but there are some changes to recipes. NOTICE: Wiki is in transition from 8.0 to 9.0.