After a while, he will be increasingly likely to do his business outside. This will increase the dog's Housebreaking skill. The moment a puddle or a pile of poo appears, praise the dog if it is outside, and scold him if it is inside. Therefore, Sims will need to give dogs a crash course about where to urinate.
Housebreaking (Dogs only): Cats know to do their thing in the litter tray, but dogs have no such instincts. Additionally, a pet will gain a small amount of Obedience skill each time a Sim calls it over. Clicking on 'Sit and Stay' will start a session of teaching this skill. Therefore, it is quite useful to make sure a pet is obedient. Also, pets with at least three points in Obedience can often be told to stop what they're doing. Pets with higher Obedience skill are more likely follow a command, learn new tricks more quickly. Obedience: No matter how loyal a pet is, it will only follow every command if its Obedience skill is high. Sims can also pay the pet trainer in Old Town a few Simoleons to do it for them. A higher obedience skill helps a pet learn tricks faster. Dogs can learn High Flip, Low Flip, Bounce, Jump, and Play Dead. Cats can learn to Box, Dance, and Play Keyboard. Naturally, when it first starts practicing, it will be abysmal, but the more practice it gets, the more tricks it will be able to do. When a pet is in a good mood, have a Sim teach it some tricks. Tricks: A pet, be it cat or dog, can learn a few tricks. Pets have three skills cats and dogs have two common skills, while each species has a skill that is unique to it. pet skills use the same 0 to 10 scale that Sim skills use.